Vampire Quiz

Vampires have been around for centuries yet are enjoying their most popular season yet right now thanks to the rise of films and television shows featuring these spooky creatures.

Tags: Vampire, Myth, Adventure, Fiction, Entertainment

Here are all the results with descriptions

Don't Know Much About Vampires
More likely than not, you watched Twilight and fell for the shiny new modern vampires. You are a novice and haven't discovered the immense history of vampire lore just waiting for you around the corner.

Know A Little About Vampires
You probably won't be caught off-guard by a sneaky vampire but if you don't have garlic or a stake handy then you are pretty stuck. Brushing up on your vampire knowledge would be a good idea right now. You know, just in case.

Know A Fair Bit Of Vampire Lore
You can hold your own in a battle or swapping stories by the fire but the finer details of vampirism still elude you. Or perhaps this is all the knowledge you feel comfortable acquiring about these undead creatures.

Know A Moderate Amount Of Vampire Lore
You are a handy person to have around on the vampire-hunting team. You know several obscure facts about vampires as well as having the basics down. Your friends feel safer when you're around on Halloween or anytime they're too close to the neighborhood cemetery grounds.

Know A Lot About Vampires
You are the knowledgeable team member that everyone comes to with their vampire questions. In fact, you know so much about vampires that some of us are wondering. . . are you still human? Look into this mirror please.