Cryptozoology Quiz

How much do you know about cryptozoology? Are you curious or have you actually gone out looking? Test your cryptozoology knowledge by taking this crypto quiz!

Tags: Mythical, Beast, Animal, Wild, Creatures

Here are all the results with descriptions

You know little to nothing about the science of cryptozoology. Most people don't know very much about it because so many people don't believe these creatures could ever exist. But - science has confirmed some creatures that used to be thought mythical!

A little
You know a little bit about cryptozoology but not very much. You must have seen a program or two on cable television. You know, there might be beasts lurking not far from your own backyard. Whether you say you believe or not, it's fun to think about!

About cryptozoology
You know about as much as a beginner to intermediate cryptozoologist. You obviously have a higher level of interest than the average person. Take that interest out and about by joining a cryptozoology organization in your area!

A lot
You know a lot about cryptozoology! You either are one or you delve into it from your armchair. If you haven't already, why not go out looking with real cryptozoologists? Cultivate your interest. Maybe you'll make a big discovery someday!

A ton
You are a cryptozoology expert! You've probably been out in the wild looking for creatures yourself. If not, you should. You have a lot of knowledge. You'd probably fit right in with the cryptozoology community!