Latin Body Parts

Are you looking to test your knowledge of Latin body parts? Or are you looking to learn the Latin names of body parts? Either way, take this quiz to test or increase your knowledge!

Tags: Health, Medicine, Language, Anatomy

Here are all the results with descriptions

You have a very limited knowledge of the Latin words for our anatomy. But, since you have seen the answers to this quiz, you have a much better understanding. Take the quiz again to really cement those words into your long term memory.

You know a few of the Latin words for body parts. Now that you have seen the correct answers, you know even more. Continue to study the names of these body parts and then take the quiz again to see if your score has improved!

You have a decent knowledge of the Latin names of body parts. It's obvious you have been studying. But you need to study a little harder if you want to test well in real life. Take the quiz again and review the correct answers.

Very good
If you took a test in real life you'd nearly ace it. But, there are still a few of the terms that you missed. Be sure to review the correct answers so that you can ace any test on the Latin names for body parts!

You aced this quiz on the Latin names for body parts! Have you been studying Latin or have you been taking an anatomy course? you are sure to do well on any test you take in real life. You certainly know your Latin body parts!