What Magical Ability Do I Have?

Ever wonder what kind of magical abilities you might have hiding within you? Sure, why not? Don't we all? Answer the following questions honestly to find out!

Tags: Personality, Power, Living, Thinking, Ability

Here are all the results with descriptions

Remember in The Matrix when dude bent the spoon with his mind? That could be you. . . but we hope you'll find some better ways to make use of it. Your natural ability to draw the positive toward you and push the negative away makes you a generally happy person. You communicate and get along well with others, set realistic goals for yourself and are reasonably productive without being a workhorse. Attitude is everything, and with your positive outlook, you can move mountains!

The Ability to Talk to Animals
You've likely already noticed this about yourself: Animals just take to you, and you to them. When it comes to actually translate what any non-humans in your vicinity are saying into human language, you're not at that level yet. But with practice and an open mind, it could be possible! Your easy-going nature helps them recognize that you're a friend, and people probably get annoyed that you're more in tune with their pets than they are.

Age Shifting
Without practice and guidance, you're currently only able to perform minute shifts to yourself, such as looking older to get yourself into a bar or younger to attract a younger date. Your goals are often superficial but like everyone else you just want to be accepted, and you know you sometimes work too hard trying to make that happen. Part of your success is by Nature! Just by wanting to look a certain age, you do. Voila. Now put down some of that makeup, and cancel that Botox appointment.

Ever noticed you have a creepily accurate sense of what people are feeling around you? At times it may feel like a weakness experiencing others' pain and emotions, but if you learn to harness your abilities you can not only feel what others feel but learn to sway their feelings as well by making them feel yours. It's a good thing you're a morally sound person who tends to live by reason and logic; only the good can be trusted with this kind of power.

The Power to Make Fire
Passionate, easily riled and sensitive, your emotional episodes can come on quickly and tend to scare a lot of people away who would stick around if you could keep a better lid on it. Harness that energy than right channels and you'll have the power to set others aflame with the same passion you feel. (We do not recommend lighting things on fire literally, of course, unless you're having a barbecue. ).

The Power to Make Ice
You're cold and calculating, your state can stop people in their tracks and you're rarely messed with thanks to the chilly vibe you exude that makes people wonder why the air just got so cold. Your abilities normally work in direct contrast with your fiery counterparts, and some practice could give you the ability to neutralize the violent urges of others and end conflicts before they start. Your friend knows you as a great mediator who excels at playing Devil's Advocate.