Are You An Alien?

Do you think you might be a little green person? Or, more commonly, a little gray person? Maybe you're half alien. Take the quiz and find out if you're an extra-terrestrial!

Tags: Woman, Man, Boy, Girl

Here are all the results with descriptions

Are not alien
Sorry, Charlie - you're a plain old human. But, if you traveled to distant planets, other dimensions, or the world under the Pacific Ocean, you'd be an alien in that world. So, don't sell yourself short. Mermaids think you're fascinating.

Possibly a human with alien ancestry
There is a possibility that at some point in your genealogy, an alien snuck in. Check your ancestor's hometown for old alien sightings to find out exactly when such a thing occurred. Maybe you could contact your alien relatives telepathically!

Are of mixed recent alien ancestry
One of your grandparents is probably an alien. It's probably one on the side of the family that has that weird aunt or uncle. Try to remember family stories that don't sound quite right to see if you can figure out which grandparent it was!

Have one alien parent
It's time to look a little closer at Mom and Dad. Which one do you get your strangest traits from? Is one of them really into something that would help them get back to the home planet like camping in remote places or an obsession with tech?

An alien
Phone home. E. T. is waiting for your call. They miss you up there. You can't even remember your mission anyway - unless it's implanted in your subconscious on purpose. So now that you know you're an alien, what's your next step? Contacting the mothership?