What Craft Should I Do?

Sometimes we just need to shake things up, get out of our comfort zones, and try something new. Like a new craft! With so many crafts in the world find out which one best suits you.

Tags: Hobby, Art, Design

Here are all the results with descriptions

Make Jewelry
You should make jewelry! From rings to necklaces, learn how to do it all and develop your own style. You are a proud person with confidence and great taste in so many aspects of life. You love the idea of wearing art.

Your new craft should be embroidery! You are a thoughtful and reflective person and something like embroidery will offer you the perfect combination of mindfulness, meditation, and creativity for you to unwind.

Your new craft should be welding! You aren't afraid to get down and dirty in your crafting. You are athletic and surprisingly practical even if your constant energy and zeal conceal this truth from others.

You should try woodworking! You love the natural world and would be thrilled to bring mother nature into your crafting room. Furthermore, you are dedicated to serving and woodworking has so much practicality that you're sure to always be crafting for others.

Make Books
You should make books as a new craft! Let's face it- you are a bibliophile and frankly it's about time you learned how to bind and build books. It's a brand new way to add to your personal library and shelves.

Learn Calligraphy
You should learn calligraphy as your new craft! You have always been drawn to all things elegant and whimsical and calligraphy is the perfect craft to combine these two facets of your life and personality.