How Edgy Are You?

Have you ever looked around at the people you're with and thought that you were the edgy one of the group? You can find out just how edgy you really are with this quiz!

Tags: Personality, Cool, Unique, Fun

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not Edgy At All
There isn't one part of you that's edgy according to the way you answered these quiz questions. In fact, you're the exact opposite of edgy. You probably just follow the crowd and try and blend in. If that's what makes you happy, keep on keepin' on!

Not Very Edgy
You have a couple of traits that might get you close to being edgy, but you're not really there yet. You try once in a while to break out of your comfort zone, but you usually fall right back into the same patterns. As long as you're satisfied, then there's nothing to worry about. Otherwise, start taking some risks. You'll be glad you did.

Only A Little Edgy
When you're in the right mood, you can be the edgiest one in the group. That's not something that you feel come over you very often though. It's only once in a blue moon this person pops out. If you like that version of you, try it a little more often. Soon it will be who you are.

Somewhat Edgy
You know when it's time to buckle down and be serious, but when it's not, you're ready to rock! People probably look to you for style advice, music suggestions, and things to do, because you're down for whatever and always ready to go. It's a nice balance you've created there. You should be proud.

Pretty Edgy
There might be a couple of things about you that people would consider average or routine, but the rest of you is all edge. You have a unique sense of style and blending in with the crowd is not your thing. You are who you want to be when you want. What a great way to live your life!

Completely Edgy
If there were the need for a photograph of an edgy person, we could put your face up there because it's completely who you are. You are fun, wild, spunky, and you don't care what anyone thinks about it. Could you imagine if there were a world full of people like you? It would be a constant good time!