Can We Guess Which Famous Woman You Are?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Martha Stewart
You are an amazing chef, organizer, and decorator. Your home is the envy of all of your friends. If you're not Martha Stewart, you may be even better!

Angelina Jolie
You are not only beautiful, determined, and talented, but you're also kindhearted and philanthropic. If you're not Angelina Jolie, you may be even better!

Michelle Obama
You've got a good heart and you're also dedicated to a good cause. You're the 'behind the scenes' powerhouse, and you are a very strong person. If you're not Michelle Obama, you may be even better!

Sheryl Sandberg
You've got innovative ideas that are unbeaten by anyone. Determined, ambitious, and not afraid to stand out of the crowd - if you're not Sheryl Sandberg, you may be even better!

Oprah Winfrey
Effervescent, enthusiastic, and authentically caring - you are the giver and life of the party of your friend group. If you're not Oprah Winfrey, you may be even better!