How Original Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

68% Original
You are 68% Original. You are pretty unique, but you can still relate to the normal lives of others. Some might even mistake you for being one of the crowd, but you know better.

72% Original
You are 72% Original. You know how to be yourself and how to fit in at the same time. People respect your unique outlook.

84% Original
You are 84% Original. You are the kind of person who tends to stand out from the crowd and doesn't bother with others think of you too much.

96% Original
You are 96% Original. You are highly unique and there are few people who can be compared to you. You are not afraid to be who you are, regardless of what others think.

100% Original
You are 100% Original. There is nobody who compares to you, and you never blend in with the crowd. People are amazed by your unique talents, skills and perspective on life.