Here are all the results with descriptions
It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life is the movie that perfectly describes your life. No matter how hopeless things may be at any time, you always see your way through the worst situations and find the value in living your life to the fullest again. No challenge is too great for you to overcome.
The Wizard of Oz
The Wizard of Oz is the movie that perfectly describes your life. You often find yourself on strange adventures, befriending odd characters, and occasionally making powerful enemies. However, you are a brave person who can face anything that comes your way, and you always find your way home again.
The Sound of Music
The Sound of Music is the movie that perfectly describes your life. You are a free and creative soul with the ability to transform any situation, no matter how difficult. You love to teach, guide, and inspire others. Ultimately you find creative and practical solutions to life's problems.
The Magic of Ordinary Days
The Magic of Ordinary Days is the movie that perfectly describes your life. You have made mistakes and found yourself in uncomfortable positions, but your intelligence and loving nature cannot be defeated. You may not find happiness in the traditional way, but you find it nonetheless.
The Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club is the movie that perfectly describes your life. You know what it's like to be classified as a particular type of person, to deal with stereotypes, and to struggle to understand the perspectives of others. Yet, you are more than able to step outside of your comfort zone and learn to appreciate those other perspectives.