What Is Your Dominant Intelligence?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your Dominant Intelligence is Body Smarts!
Body Smarts have the capability to manipulate objects and a huge variety of physical skills. This intelligence involves a great sense of timing and perfection of skills that unite the mind and body together. Athletes, dancers, and craftspeople exhibit this intelligence.

Your Dominant Intelligence is Self-Smarts!
Self-Smarts have the capability to understand oneself and thoughts and direction in life. Intro-personal intelligence gives the person an appreciation of the self and of other human conditions. You are aware of your own feelings and self-motivated.

Your Dominant Intelligence is Nature Smarts!
Nature Smarts have the capability to discriminate among living things, sensitivity to other creatures of the natural world Naturalist Intelligence has the ability to live among nature and use all of it's resources for survival with responsibility.

Your Dominant Intelligence is Musical Smart!
Musical Smart have the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. The musical intelligence affects connection between music and emotions, and share common thinking processes.

Your Dominant Intelligence is Picture Smarts!
Picture Smarts have the ability to think in three dimensions. With Spatial intelligence you have the capacities of mental imagery, image manipulation, artistic skills and active imagination. With this kind of intelligence you can find yourself using your free time drawing or doing puzzles.