What Should Be Your Lifetime Goal?

What do you want to accomplish in life? What do you want to do before you die? Take this quiz and find out!

Tags: Lifestyle, Living, Career, Job, Target, Aim, Goal, Education

Here are all the results with descriptions

See the world
Your inquisitive nature and thirst for adventure make you a natural born traveller. Start saving up because you have a lot of traveling to do! You can always start close to home and then fan out. Maybe you want to see all of the states and provinces in your country, or all of the countries in the world, or maybe you just want to say you've seen all of Route 66. Whatever your travel passion is, complete it!

Amass a fortune
You thrive on success, now all you have to do is figure out whether it's going to be the lottery or your own ingenuity and hard work that makes you rich! Don't forget that money builds money, so don't spend it all before you reach at least a quarter of your goal. Also be thinking about what you want to spend it on! There's no point in having it if you don't plan to enjoy it!

Save the World
Your kind heart and passion for humans, animals, and the environment are the foundation for making a difference. You might not be as famous as Mother Theresa or Al Gore, but you can start where you are right now. Volunteer at the Humane Society, join your local political organizations, sign up to help out at the hospital, or start your own charity. You can find something that will get you started right now!

Leave a historical legacy
You greatly admire historical figures from politicians to scientists to authors and more. You want to be remembered. So do something memorable! Be the pioneer, or the author, or the songwriter. You don't have to be ultra-famous to mean something to someone in the future. All you have to do is leave something meaningful behind. If you start now, you'll likely become at least semi-famous in the process anyway!

Become famous
Try not to become famous for anything criminal or radical or just plain loony! There are so many things to be famous for. You don't have to be the next great movie star or grammy award winner. Whatever your current interest is, there is at least one person that is famous for that thing. So best them! The secret of actors and authors that make it is that they just didn't give up. You've got your lifetime to do it, so get started!

Become a Master
You have a drive for perfection, so use that to your advantage in a positive way. Pick one of your hobbies or interests and spend your lifetime becoming an absolute master of that thing. Be the expert everyone consults about the topic you're passionate about!