Which Care Bear Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Love-a-Lot Bear
Love-a-Lot Bear enjoyed doing what his name is - loving a lot! You are innately caring and kind, warm and welcoming. You love making sure that your family and friends are cared for and comfortable. Nothing makes you happier than seeing the people you care about happy.

Cheer Bear
Cheer Bear was always joyful. You are a naturally happy person because you are optimistic about everything. You always see the silver lining in even the stormiest of situations. Your happiness is infectious, and others often go to you when they need a pick-me-up talk or cheering up!

Funshine Bear
Funshine Bear loves laughing and playing jokes. Similarly, you are a natural born comedian. You love to tease others (good-naturedly of course) and have a good time. You know life is too short to take it too seriously, so you always have a joke handy to make others smile and laugh!

Good Luck Bear
Good Luck Bear wants everyone to have good luck. You are an excellent friend, always wanting the best for others. You are altruistic by nature - you're happiest when you're giving of your time to make others happy! This makes you passionate about volunteering, working towards a common good, and helping mankind in general.

Grumpy Bear
Grumpy Bear reminds us that it's okay to be grumpy sometimes! You are a down-to-earth and straightforward person. If you're not happy, you're not the type of person that will put up a fake facade. People respect you because you're real. You are Grumpy Bear!