Are You An Idealist, Realist, Or Surrealist?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are an idealist. You often rely on your emotional responses and experiences to form thoughts and opinions on the world. You can often be found daydreaming or creating art, anything to build a world outside of reality.

You are a realist. You are logical, grounded, and prefer hard facts to illusory ideas or concepts. You don't have unprecedented or unrealistic expectations for people or for your experiences.

You are a surrealist. You express your imagination and creativity through rational and concrete means. You thrive in artistic environments and feel stifled when not creating or implementing ideas.

A Mix Of Idealism And Surrealism
You are a mix of idealism and surrealism! While you can often be found daydreaming of abstract concepts, you also understand how to take those concepts and make them something real.

A Mix Of Idealism And Realism
You are a mix of idealism and realism! You are neither too idealistic or realistic. You are a healthy mix of dreamy optimism and sound logic/reasoning.