What Color Would Your Mermaid Tail Be?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're a mermaid who's deeply in touch with nature. You care for the wildlife around you and will do everything to make sure it flourishes. You're happiest when you're spending time with the nature you protect.

Out of all the mermaids, you were meant most for the sea. You love spending your days swimming through the water and playing with ocean's creatures. There's nothing better to you than spending the day diving and swimming.

You're a mermaid who's looking for love. You're a hopeless romantic and spend your days dreaming about your true love. When you're not daydreaming though, you can be found sleeping away your days.

You're more of a mischievous mermaid. You love to pull pranks on the humans that swim in your waters. There's nothing better than tricking the people around you. You're always up for a good laugh.

You're more of a pure mermaid that has an innocent nature. You're not always so sure on your life underwater and you always wonder what life would be like on land. You hope to one day experience life interacting normally with humans.