How Long Will You Survive In The Wild?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You'll Thrive
You won't just be able to survive in the wilderness but you'll in fact thrive in the wild. You have great survival skills and you know how to solve almost any problem that arises. You can easily live in the wild with no problems.

You'll Survive
With you're great problem solving skills and your creative solutions, you definitely survive until you're rescued. Once you get the hang of what you're supposed to do, surviving in the wild will be a breeze for you.

You'll Survive But Barely
It will be very difficult for you to survive in the wildness but you'll make it. You may not many survival skills but that won't stop you from trying to live until you're rescued.

You Cannot Survive Without Technology
Could you survive in the wild? Of course you could but you'll find it very difficult without your technology. Without your phone or computer, you'll probably be wondering if it's worth being out in the wild.