Are You The ’50’s, ’60’s, ’70’s, ’80’s, or ’90’s?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're '50's
You are family-oriented with traditional values, but you also have a little bit of a rebel in you. You appreciate classic cars and vintage craftsmanship. You are the 1950's.

You're '60's
You are mod and hip. You worship counterculture and great music. You are all about peace, love, and harmony. You are the 1960's.

You're '70's
You are over-the-top and think that anythings worth doing, means doing well. You would feel right at home among the glitz and glamour of the disco era. You are the 1970's.

You're '80's
You like big hair, techno music and white blazers. You long for a time when quirky was in and moon boots and shoulder pads could be worn with out shame. You are the 1980's.

You're '90's
This was a happy decade, full of new technology and pop-culture icons. You wouldn't mind spending an evening listening to The Spice Girls or spacing out to a binge session of Dawson's Creek. You are the 1990's.