Which Spice Girl Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Scary Spice
You have a big personality and a very in-your-face attitude. You have no problem with being frank and honest, as well as loud and outgoing. You’re larger than life, and you always demand attention! You are Scary Spice.

Sporty Spice
You are an extremely active person, always moving and always on-the-go. You also enjoy a good deal of sports – whether you’re playing them yourself or watching from the stands or on TV – and physical activity has a calming force on you. You are Sporty Spice!

Baby Spice
You are a very kind-hearted person. You assume the best of people, and because of your belief in the good of every person, you may sometimes be construed as innocent and naïve, but you know that it’s because you’d rather see the glass as half full. You also have quite a girly personality – you enjoy dressing up, smelling nice, and cuddly, furry animals! You are Baby Spice.

Ginger Spice
You have a spunky, business savvy personality. Your youthful zest for life is a refreshing personality trait. You have big goals for yourself, and because of your ambition, determination, and can-do attitude, you will surely accomplish them. You are Ginger Spice!

Posh Spice
You are very fashionable and cultured. You’re either well-traveled, or cursed by a serious case of wanderlust – or a combination of both! You have exquisite taste in food, drink, art, and entertainment. You truly enjoy the finer things in life. You are Posh Spice!