How Connected Are You With Your Partner?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Soul Level Connection
You share a soul level connection with your partner. Not only do you feel as if your partner truly understands you and listens, but you confide in them your darkest secrets. You and your partner go beyond being lovers, you are also best friends. You enjoy spending as much time together as possible. You've found a forever love!

Close and Connected
You and your partner are close and connected! You share a bond that is unlike any other. You both feel as if you can be yourselves in front of the other. From being silly and childlike, to having deep and serious conversations, you found a partner that can fit any facet of your personality. Well done!

Connected Forever
You and your partner are connected forever! You're truly one of the lucky ones. You found a partner who shares a deep and mutual bond with you. There is never a moment of doubt or judgement when it comes to your love and commitment. Your love is easy, relaxed, and flawless.

Somewhat Connected
You and your significant other are somewhat connected! While you and your partner are truly bonded and committed, there are moments where you feel misunderstood or as if you're not being heard. You have always struggled with the idea of not being heard, and your partner doesn't always make this easy.

Close but Disconnected
You and your partner are close but somewhat disconnected. While you are committed, in love, and truly appreciative of one another, you don't always feel as if you've found a soul level match. This often comes from differences in morals, ideas on how to raise a family, and difficulty communicating with one another.