Here are all the results with descriptions
If you were born today, your first word would be "cool." Lets just say you're the chillest most like Fonz like baby on the earth. Not only is baby you very familiar with what's in and what's out, but baby you can recognize cool. Your first word would likely stem from seeing something extraordinary awesome!
If you were born today, your first word would be "smile!" Baby you is very concerned with spreading happiness and positivity. Sure, it's a big role for a baby to take on, but you're up for the task. While most babies are simply wetting their diaper, you're trying to make the world a better place.
If you were born today, your first word would be "cheese!" Okay, you're not having your picture taken when your first words are uttered, you're literally looking at cheese. We get it. Cheese is delicious and versatile. It only makes sense that baby you would recognize the true splendor of cheese early on.
If you were born today, your first word would be "shoes!" Baby you is already quite the fashionista. Not only did you once cry at the sight of a bad pair of shoes, but you can't help but squeal with joy when you see a truly killer pair. Style is important. It's a good thing baby you is very cognizant of that.
If you were born today, your first word would be "out!" Baby you is a bit of a lone wolf. You like alone time in your crib to just be with your thoughts. You feel most at peace when swaddled in a blanket free from the restraints of the "ohhhhs" and "ahhhs" of your adoring family.