What Would Be The Worst Gift For You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You don't really care for jewelry so it'd be a terrible gift for you. If someone bought you jewelry, you'd never wear it and it would just go to waste.

A Cookbook
While a cookbook might be a pretty common gift, it wouldn't be a good gift for you. You don't enjoy cooking and you'd probably never use the cookbook.

You're not someone who enjoys flowers and you actually think they're quite a waste. You think flowers just die too quickly and you don't see the point in then.

You're not really the type so wine wouldn't be the best gift for you. You would probably end up wasting or giving away the gift instead of using it.

A Pet
It's somewhat common to give someone an animal as a gift but that would be a terrible gift for you. You're a pretty busy person and you don't think you could handle the responsibility.