What Month Should You Have Been Born In?

Here are all the results with descriptions

October 1963
Based on the results of this quiz, you should've been born in October of 1963! October is a month of change, turnover, and great spiritual growth. You've always been adept to change and embracing the new.

April 1964
Based on your results, you should've been born in April of 1964. April is a month of rebirth and newness. You've always felt as if you were in a constant state of being reborn.

October 1967
The month you should've been born in is October of 1967. You've always had a fondness for the 60's and you've always loved the changes that October brings. As an eccentric and unique individual, it makes sense that you would've been born in this month.

November 1966
Based on your results you should've been born in November of 1966! November is a time of unity, warmth, and family. You've always been an old soul with a love of tradition. Getting together with family and sharing stories is one of your favorite things.

December 1969
Based on the results of this quiz, you should've been born in December of 1969! December is a month of a magic and purity. You've always loved the innocence that permeates this month of the year.

May 1974
Based on the results of this quiz, you should've been born in May of 1974! May is a time of excitement and adventure. The weather is turning nice, summer is on the cusp, and the flowers are just beginning to bloom. You've always loved this amazing time of the year!

March 1977
Based on the results of this quiz, you should've been born in March of 1977. March babies are sensitive, artistic, and highly empathetic. You've always been a soft gentle soul with a love of humanity. You could only have been born in this spiritually wrought month.

June 1971
Based on your quiz results, you should've been born in June of 1971! June is a time for adventure, travel, and fun. You've always been a globe trotter with a love of new and exciting things. Some might call you the ultimate risk taker!

July 1976
Based on the results of this quiz, you should've been born in July of 1976! July is a time of heat, passion, and total fun. From late night with friends to afternoons at the beach, this month is all about loving life.

September 1960
Based on the results of this quiz, you should've been born in September of 1960! September is time of change, newness, and becoming. As a person who has never shied away from change, September is definitely the month you should've been born in.