Which Karmic Law Rules Your Life?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Law Of Neutrality
The karmic law that rules your life is the law of neutrality. According to this karmic law, the universe is neutral. It does not play favorites or cursed ones. All beings are divine, cared for, and loved equally.

The Law Of Lessons
The karmic law that rules your life is the law of lessons. This law states that we learn from experiencing polar opposites such as good and bad. From learning these lessons, we evolve into a divine form of love, raise our awareness, and find joy.

The Law Of Cause And Effect
Your life is ruled by the karmic law of cause and effect. This law states that what you have done unto others will be done unto you. There is no action without a reaction. If you don't do right to others, you will also experience wrong doing.

The Law Of Attraction
The karmic law that rules your life is the law of attraction. This law states that what you think, believe, and feel will come to you ten fold. If you think negatively, you will attract negativity. If you keep a positive and loving mind, you will attract more of the same.

The Law Of Connection
The karmic law that rules your life is the law of connection. This law states that you connect with people, opportunities, and events necessary to manifest your desires if you believe and expect these things to happen for you.