Which Celtic Legend Are You?

The Celts had many myths, stories, and legendary creatures. Which myth resonates with you? Take this quiz and find out!

Tags: Celtic, Legend, Culture, Ancient-Time

Here are all the results with descriptions

Tristan and Isolde
You believe in true love! Tristan was a nephew of a king. When an Irish warrior tried to kill the king, Tristan killed the warrior, but he too was wounded. The beautiful maiden Isolde healed him. When he told the king about her, the king married her. The problem was that Tristan and Isolde were already in love. Tristan gave up hope and married another. On his deathbed, he waited for her, but when his wife tricked him into thinking she wouldn't come, he died. When Isolde did arrive and saw him dead, she died of grief. But wait! They were buried beside each other, and a vine grew from his grave that twisted around the rose tree on hers, symbolizing their eternal love for each other.

Finn MacCool
You are a seeker of knowledge, mystery, adventure--and of fish. When Finn was a young boy, he accidentally stole knowledge from a Druid. The Druid knew that if he ate a certain salmon, he'd have all of the world's knowledge. He told Finn to catch it but not eat it. Still, when Finn touched the fish, it burned his hand. As he sucked on his burnt thumb to cool it, he absorbed all of the knowledge meant for the priest. He went on to success in many more adventures where he destroyed demons and traveled to the underworld to battle supernatural beings.

Dagda's Harp
You're clever and emotionally intelligent! Dagda was a high priest. When a rival tribe stole his magic harp, he followed them to their castle and then called out to his harp. It came to him, and he played notes on it that made the tribe cry, and then he played a song that made them laugh, and then another that put them to sleep so he could get away.

The Secret of Labra
You worry too much about what other people think! Labra was a king that every time he had his hair cut, he put the barber to death. No one knew why. One year, the next barber's mother pleaded with him to let her son live. The king said he could live if he never ever told what he saw. The young man nearly died from the torture of keeping the secret. A Druid told him to tell the secret to a tree so that he would stop dying. He did and got well. Later, the king's harpist broke his heart and repaired it with wood from the tree. The next time he played the harp at a banquet, all the audience heard was, 'Two horse's ears hath Labra the Sailor.' The king drew off his hat and let all the people see and never hid his ears again.

The Three Daughters of King O'Hara
You are a loyal and true lover of animals! King O'Hara's daughters had a magic cloak that would grant wishes. The first two wished for the best husbands in the world. Both of their husband's asked if the wife wanted him to be what they saw during the day or at night. They both chose day. At night the husbands turned into seals. The third daughter wished for a white dog. He asked the same question, and she chose day. So, at night, he was a gorgeous man. It's a long story, but she followed him through every danger and hardship, and they both won out in the end!

Hudden, Dudden, and Donald O'Neary
You are a clever trickster that can always outsmart a bully! Hudden and Dudden lived on either side of the poor Donald O'Neary, who had but one frail cow, but it was a cow he loved with all his heart. Hudden and Dudden wanted his land, so they killed his cow. Donald dried his tears, prepared Daisy's hide, and hid coins in it. Then he went to a tavern, and every time he hit the hide, a coin fell out. He told the bartender it was magic. The bartender bought the hide for its weight in gold. When Hudden and Dudden saw Donald's money, they asked him about it, and he told them people in town were paying for a hide its weight in gold. They both then killed all of their cows...and the story goes on!