There Are 4 Main Personality Types. Which One Is Yours?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You happen to have a rather optimistic and positive outlook on life. You always look forward to the next new thing and you rarely worry about what others may think of you. You love making others smile and putting them in a good mood.

You happen to be a rather short-tempered individual who gets irritable quite easily. You don't like dealing with small things and you're not afraid to speak your mind when it's needed.

You happen to be a very analytical person. You're wise beyond your years so it's no surprise when your friends come to you for help. You prefer to keep quiet at most times instead of speaking your mind.

You're a very relaxed person. You're at peace with the world and who you are as a person. You rarely worry about the past or present but just focus on the future in front of you.