What Percent Idealist Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% Idealist
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 100% idealist in your thoughts and practices. You always look on the bright side of life and tend to anticipate that thing will work out as they should. Some say you're wishy washy, but we think you have an amazing outlook on life.

75% Idealist
At the end of the day, you 75% idealistic! Sure, you have moments of doubt and trepidation in life, but for the most part, you see the glass as half full. Some of your friends have called you unrealistic, but we know that's simply not true. By looking on the bright side of life you always feel as if things will end up as they should.

50% Idealist
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 50% idealist! Part of the time, you see life for all of the wonderful possibilities and outcomes. The other half of the time, you see things for exactly what they are.

30% Idealist
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 30% idealistic! Life hasn't always dealt you an easy card. Though you've always made the best out of what life has thrown your way, you still can't help but be steeped in the reality of life as it currently is.

10% Idealist
Base don the results of this quiz are you 10% idealistic! You and idealism simply don't go hand in hand. You're a logical creature who maintains a firm footing in reality at all times. You're never wishy washy and you rarely see things for what they could be rather than what they are.