What Do Your Color Associations Say About You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're Idealistic
Your color associations demonstrate that you always see the bright side of life, even when situations are a bit gloomy and gray. With a positive attitude, you believe that anything is possible!

You're Logical
Your color associations prove that you're a logical and analytical person. You're a problem solver by nature who never sees things for what they could be and instead focuses on what they are.

You're Sensitive
Your color associations prove that you're a kind and sensitive soul. While your sensitive nature means you're a great friend, companion, and employee; it also means that you can often feel a bit hurt by the actions of others.

You're Humorous
Your color associations prove that you've got a killer sense of humor! When life hands you lemons, you laugh about it! You're not one to dwell on the negative or fall into a spiral of sadness. Instead, you laugh during tough times and you laugh during good times. In this way, you always enjoy life.

You're Intelligent
Your color associations prove that you're a highly intelligent and clever person. You tend to pick up on little things that others often miss. You're detail oriented, organized, and wholly focused on accruing new knowledge everyday.