What Career Suits You Most?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Medical Career
You would be best suited if you were a part of a medical career. Your attention to detail and compassion and love for people would make you a great doctor, nurse, or dentist.

Law Career
Your love the rules, even though you may sometimes think that they don't apply to you. You love to use your mind to solve a problem, and getting your client out of trouble is sure to be a problem you will love to solve.

Education Career
You would be well suited in an education career. Your passion for learning new things is great, and you could use it to inspire others to learn new things as well. You could pick your favorite subject and inspire young people everywhere!

Engineer Career
You love to do things with yuor hands, but that don't mean that you love to draw or write. Instead, you love to build things and see them come to life in front of you. Whether you love cars, machines, or just fixing broken things, being an engineer would be a great career for you!

Freelance Career
You could love writing or art, but what really matters is that you don't love bosses or strict schedules. As a freelancer, you could set your own hours, be your own boss, and pick your own work. Of course, you also need to provide your own motivation to get working. It's worth it and it would be a great career for you!