The Dominant Color You See First Will Determine Your True DISC Type!

Here are all the results with descriptions

Based on the dominant colors you see, your DISC type is dominant. People with this DISC type are very outgoing and task oriented. They are very results driven and love to problem solve and find solutions. They're true go-getters!

Based on the dominant colors you see, your DISC type is inspiring! People who have an inspiring DISC type are often very outgoing and people oriented. They love to interact, socialize and have fun. They are often the life of the party.

Based on the dominant colors you see, your DISC type is cautious. People who full under the cautious DISC type tend to be very reserved and introverted. They often exhibit careful behaviors and focus on facts, rules, and getting things right the first time.

Based on the results of this quiz, your DISC type is supportive. People who have a supportive DISC type are both a bit shy and a bit people oriented. They are very driven by personal relationships and will often do anything to help a fellow friend in need.