How Would Mister Rogers Describe You As A Person?

Here are all the results with descriptions

As Nurturing And Big Hearted
Mister Rogers would describe you as nurturing and big hearted! You'd do anything to help out your neighbor or even a stranger that was in need. You just can't help but open your heart up to anyone and everyone. We think Mister Rogers would approve!

As Selfless And Kind
Mister Rogers would describe you as selfless and kind! You're not one who looks for something in return when you do a good deed. When you help someone, it comes from the kindness of your heart, not on the hopes of having something done for you at a future time.

As A Good Listner
Mister Rogers would likely describe you as a good listener! It's not easy to really listen to the problems and thoughts of others, but you do so with ease. You value what others have to say and are deeply in tune with their feelings.

As A Helper
Mister Rogers always advised society to look for the helpers in times of distress. You've always been the type to drop everyone to help those in need, even if it meant more work for you. There's something highly noble in your way of living!

As A Neighbor To All
Mister Rogers would definitely describe you as a friend and neighbor to all. You're never one to discriminate or judge, instead, you always give your best to everyone you encounter each day. You live your life from a place of tolerance and compassion.