Which Quote Should Be Your Parenting Philosophy?

Here are all the results with descriptions

“There Is No Such Thing As A Perfect Parent. So Just Be A Real One.”
The quote that should be your parenting philosophy is, “There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.” At the end of the day, no one is perfect, despite our best efforts. All you can really do for your child is be real, open, honest and available. You've always been best at keeping it real!

“Children Spell Love… T-I-M-E.”
The quote that should be your parenting philosophy is, "Children spell love… T-I-M-E.” You can buy your children gifts, shower them in compliments, and even bribe them with sweets, but at the end of the day all they really want is your time. Luckily, you've always been good at spending quality time with your little ones!

“Allow Children To Be Happy In Their Own Way."
The quote that should be your parenting philosophy is, "Allow children to be happy in their own way." It's easy to want to steer a child in the direction you want them to go, but at the end of the day, all you can really do is allow your child to be happy in their own unique way. Happy kids make for a happy life! Keep on doing you!

“Treat A Child As Though He Already Is The Person He’s Capable Of Becoming.
The quote that should be your parenting philosophy is, "Treat a child as though he already is the person he’s capable of becoming." Kids may be kids, but if you treat a child as if he's the person he's capable of becoming, he'll know just how far he can go! Kudos to you for being a beam of positivity in your child's life!

“I Think It’s Necessary To Let Kids Get Bored Once In A While."
The quote that should be your parenting philosophy is, "I think it’s necessary to let kids get bored once in a while." A bored kid might make for an agitated parent, but it can also lend itself to creativity and imagination. You've always been one to challenge your children to do more, be more, and create more. Go you!