Here are all the results with descriptions
Morag Lousegrunter
Your random witch name is Morag Lousegrunter! How does one earn such a name? Well, it's your air of mystery, quirky personality, and love of leaving others guessing that makes for one unpredictable name. As a witch, you'd likely be the type to boil newts in an attempt to cook up a love potion or truth serum.
Ermintrude Goosetickler
Your random witch name is Ermitrude Goosetickler! As a witch, you'd be the type to always have a black cat at your side and a potion brewing on the stove. You're almost always covered in leaves and dirt, remnants from your many treks to collect ingredients for some truly wicked spells.
Priscilla Cockroachsquidger
Your random witch name is Priscilla Cockroachsquider! What good is a cockroach to you? Everything apparently! As an a witch, you'd be very clever, intelligent, and cunning. With a keen sense of manipulating others, you'd be able to control every being you encountered.
Noreen Slugsquidger
Your random witch name is Noreen Slugsquider! Every great potion starts with some great slug slime and every witch is only as great as her best potion. As a witch, you'd be highly experimental. You'd spend hours everyday just cooking up new spells, dabbling in new potions, and testing out your wicked brews on willing (and unwilling) victims.
Angelica Bugchomper
Your random witch name is Angelica Bugchomper! As a witch, you've never met a bug that you didn't want to munch on. That's right, you're a big fan of bugs, creepy crawlers, and anything that goes bump in the night. You're a classic witch with a cackle that can be heard for miles. We wouldn't want to get on your bad side. After all, we might just end up in one of your potions!