Can We Guess How Dirty Your Mind Really Is?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Have A Very Dirty Mind!
Based on the results of this quiz, you have a very dirty mind! You just can't help it, when you're alone or even with others, your mind has a tendency to drift to some pretty naughty places. Most of your jokes are a bit on the racy side and you're not one to shy away from a NSFW joke, post, or tag. You're mind is just about as dirty as they come!

Your Mind Is Somewhat Dirty!
Based on the results of this quiz, your mind is somewhat dirty! Let's face it, you're not sex obsessed or overly concerned with naughty matters. Like most people, your mind can be dirty when the moment is right. While you'll aways laugh at a dirty joke, accept a somewhat naughty compliment, and let yourself fantasize, you're not all about being a dirty bird in your everyday life!

Your Mind Isn't Dirty At All!
Based on the results of this quiz, your mind isn't dirty at all! You're just about as pure and innocent of thought as they come. You know when the time calls for being dirty and when your thoughts should be focused on something else. You're not a huge fan of dirty jokes and innuendos tend to be one of your bigger pet peeves!