Here are all the results with descriptions
30 Years
Based on the results of this quiz, you could last as a teacher for around 30 years! There's no doubt in our minds that you've got the personality, the patience, and the stamina to make a career of teaching. Not only can you diffuse any situation with a little bit of humor, but you can handle demanding parents and strict regulations like a pro.
20 Years
Based on the results of this quiz, you could last as a teacher for 20 years! There's no question that you've got the intelligence, the wit, and the endurance to make a good career out of teaching. Though you might lose your patience with some less than well behaved students, you always maintain your composure and soldier on like a pro.
10 Years
Based on the results of this quiz, you could make it as a teacher for 10 years! Though you might have the intelligence and the stamina to teach, you don't exactly have the patience necessary to have a long and lustrous career as a teacher. Let's face it, in teaching, patience is the number one virtue. With demanding parents, unruly students, and more state guidelines than there are days in the week, you'd quickly tire of the often thankless day to day life as a teacher.
5 Years
Based on the results of this quiz, you could last for 5 years as a teacher! There's no doubt that you're a highly driven and intelligent person with a great compassion for those around you. Unfortunately, the rigorous demands of teaching would leave you feeling a bit burnt out and overwhelmed. From demanding parents to demanding state guidelines, you'd find that much of the joy of teaching would be marred with stress.
1 Year
Based on the results of this quiz, you could make it for 1 year as a teacher! Let's be honest, teaching is not the profession for you! As a quick learner, you quickly don't understand how things don't instantly click with everyone. You're stubborn in your beliefs, defensive when accused, and impatient when people don't stick to your schedule. You'd fare better as an investment banker than as a teacher! Fret not friend, this profession is certainly not for everyone!