What Really Triggers Your Anger?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Nothing triggers your anger quite like a lazy person! You're a hard worker who is always on the go. Whether it's cleaning up around the house or earning that promotion at work, you truly value work ethic and ambition. To you, laziness is pretty much the most annoying thing in the world. When you see someone who simply can't be bothered, your blood truly boils!

Nothing triggers your anger quite like an ignorant person! You pride yourself on being open minded and well informed. You always like to get your facts straight before making a decision or forming an opinion. Nothing grinds your gears more than an ignorant person who thinks their word is law!

Being Lied To
Nothing triggers your anger quite like being lied to! You pride yourself on being an honest and open person who is up front with those you love. For you, being lied to is the ultimate form of betrayal. Not only does it make you feel rather angry, but it leaves you feeling slighted for some time to come.

Slow Drivers
Nothing triggers your anger quite like getting behind a slow driver! You pride yourself in being a good driver who does things the right way. When you get behind a slow driver (especially if you're running late) you just can't help but feel your heart race and your blood boil. Just go the speed limit!

Nothing triggers your anger quite like a hypocrite! You're the type of person who is always straightforward, upfront, and totally in line with your values. You can't stand a hypocritical person who says one thing and then does or says something entirely different.