What’s Your Sanity Score?

Here are all the results with descriptions

10 (Sane And Normal)
You have a sanity score of 10! You're sane, normal, and healthy. You know how to implement coping mechanisms in times of stress and dutifully deal with whatever life throws your way. You are even keeled and grounded, with a sound sense of logic and common sense.

7 (Sane)
You have a sanity score of 7! You are perfectly sane and healthy. You're a very grounded and logical person who doesn't let emotions get the best of you. Not only do you have healthy strategies for dealing with stress, but you also have a great deal of perspective on any situation life throws your way. You enjoy life to the fullest without letting the little things get you down.

5 (A Little Edgy)
You have a sanity score of 5! For the most part, you're pretty sane and together, but moments of stress can often leave you feeling edgy. You're a very impulsive person who tends to act before thinking things through. You tend to throw logic out the window in favor of going with your gut, which can often lead you into more than a few squirrelly situations.

3 (Fleeting Sanity)
You have a sanity score of 3! Unfortunately, your sanity seems to be fleeting. While you're intelligent and mentally sound, emotionally speaking, you could use a bit of help. You're feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and a bit all over the place. Keeping your thoughts straight can be difficult at times. You find yourself becoming more and more impulsive with each passing day.

1 (Not Sane)
You have a sanity score of 1! While you're not totally insane, you often feel like your sanity comes and goes. You tend to live out of impulse, doing things that feel right in the moment and regretting them later. You hate handling stress and tend to go off the rails if things don't go exactly as you planned. You could use a bit of help! Reaching out is the first step in gaining back your sanity!