Are You And Your BFF 50% Close, 30% Close, Or 80% Close?

Here are all the results with descriptions

50% Close
You and your best friend are 50% close! You might not share every little detail of your life with your best friend, but there's not much that you keep to yourself. You and your best friend love to do almost everything together. While you're both independent spirits who crave space, you also know that you're better when hanging out together. You see your friend as a sibling who will always be a part of your life no matter what!

30% Close
You and your best friend are 30% close! You and your friend get along great, but you don't share your inner most secrets with them. You may trust your friend and adore who they are, but you're still not cool with venting your issues out loud when they're around. You and your friend mostly like to have fun, travel, and have a good time. You're not really keen on deep heart to hearts!

80% Close
You and your best friend are 80% close! People would be hard pressed to find a duo that's closer than you and your BFF. It's obvious that you share a deep connection that alludes most friendships. You know everything about your best friend and they know everything about you. Whenever something happens, your friend is the first person you want to call and share the news with. No matter what's going on in life, you know your can depend on your best friend to be there for you!