Are You A Fighter Or A Coward?
Question 2 out of 29
2. You get off for the weekend in three hours. Your boss comes in and gives you a four-hour project and says he wants it by the end of the day. What do you do?
Tell him that he should have had it to me an hour ago and that I'll be leaving at five, as that's what's in my job description
Sigh audibly and tell him I'll try to get it finished today but that I have to be somewhere by six
Tell him that my coworker must be less busy, because she's been on the Internet all day, and then ask him if he can delegate it to her
I would just get started on it.
Smile and tell him I appreciate the opportunity to be included in important projects
I'd begrudgingly get started on it while worrying about being late to other commitments.
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