How Tall Is Your Potential Soulmate?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your potential soulmate is 6'4" tall! If you've always dreamt of a partner who is tall, you're in luck. Whether you're on the tall side or the short side, you've always wanted someone who makes you feel safe, protected, and warm. With a partner at this height, you'll never feel any shortage of love or compassion.

Your potential soulmate is 6'0" tall! When you imagine the perfect partner, you imagine yourself gazing up into their eyes and feeling safe when buried into their chest. Your dream is someone who wraps you up and makes you feel as safe and protected as you did as a child!

Your potential soulmate is 5'8"! You're not particular about height when it comes to a soulmate, instead, you're more focused on their amazing personality. Whether your partner is above or below average height doesn't influence you at all. You care about what's on the inside not the outside!

Your potential soulmate is 5'10"! You're soulmate might be tall, but it will never feel like they're imposing or looming over you. In fact, this height is perfect in just about every way. You'll feel safe and happy in the arms of your soulmate!

Your perfect soulmate is 5'4!" The love of your life is a bit on the short side, but man does their personality pack a punch. They've got a big spirit that makes up for their petite frame. You'll love your soul mate for everything they are and who they embody. With compassion and intrigue, you'll realize height is just a number!