What Song Should Be Your Life Anthem?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Highway To Hell
You're someone who knows how to charm people and get exactly what you want. You're pretty cunning and know exactly how to fit a situation in your favor.

Eye Of The Tiger
You've had a tough life so far but you don't let that get you down. When you're knocked down, you get right back up. You're a strong and brave person who's ready to take on any challenge.

It's My Life
You know that you can't live forever and so you're making sure to take every opportunity that comes your way. You're an adventurous and spontaneous person who's always up for change.

You're a grounded but creative soul who's always looking for inspiration. You have a vast imagination and you're always coming up with new ideas.

What A Wonderful World
You see the beauty in everything around you. You're a pretty optimistic person who tends to look on the bright side of things. You're pretty content with how your life is going currently.