Which of Your Flaws Do Men Find Attractive?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Extra Curves
So often women fall into the trap of thinking that men are only attracted to pencil thin women with thigh gaps. This is not the case, men love to be with a woman who has curves in all of the right places, so rather than trying to cover them up, wear them with pride. Your self-confidence and softness will real him in. Men are attracted to your curves.

You might have been called four-eyes in school, but stop being self-conscious of your glasses. They are only an outward indication of the smart and sophisticated woman that you are. Men love a woman with a brilliant mind who can also cut loose and be playful, so play up your sexy-librarian persona with pride. Men are attracted to your glasses.

You might dread seeing those tiny dots on your face every time that you look in the mirror. You might even have gone as far as trying to cover them up with make up or applying lemon juice and sunlight in the hopes that they would fade. Stop hiding your face, you are beautiful. Men are attracted to this playful and girlish feature. Love your freckles.

You are taller or shorter than the average woman. You might have a difficult time finding a pair of jeans that fit, but you won't have a hard time finding a date. Men love women that are unique, and your height is a part of what makes you, you. Men are attracted to your height.

Laugh Lines
You might see them as a sign of aging, but the right man will interpret them as proof that you have lead a joyful life. You can stop spending hundreds of dollars on creams and ointments and for goodness sake, do not get Botox. Men are attracted to your laugh lines.