Are You More of a Country Girl or a City Woman?

Here are all the results with descriptions

City Girl
You get energized from the hustle and bustle of city life. Living in the country might be fun for a little while, but you would get easily bored and long to be surrounded by an anonymous crowd of strangers. You would gladly trade convenient location for amount of space. You are a true city woman.

Country Woman
You love fresh air, and getting your hands dirty. You would rather spend your evenings talking with friends on the front porch swing than drinking martini's at a crowded city bar. You love animals and nature. You are a country woman.

A Little of Both
You enjoy the convenience of the city and the tranquility of the country. You find that different stages of life call for different surroundings and you are just as comfortable in a crowded traffic jam as you are driving a truck down a bumpy country lane. You are neither a city woman or a country girl, but a little bit of both.

Made for the Suburbs
You are a soccer mom who needs access to the city for work and entertainment, but doesn't want to live downtown. You would easily sacrifice a convenient location and commute to a house that provided more space and a yard for dogs and kids to play in. You were made for the suburbs.