Are You A Social Media Addict?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Totally Addicted
You are totally social media addicted! From Facebook to Twitter and everything in between, you can't go more than a few minutes without checking your social media status for updates, likes, and comments. Hey there's nothing wrong with being socially savvy!

Somewhat Addicted
You are somewhat social media addicted! While you're not an all out fiend for social media, you do have a bad habit of checking your status every half hour or so. You hate to think you're missing out on something important or not liking something great.

Socially Infatuated
You are social media infatuated! You have a love/hate relationship with social media. While you can't help but lurk on Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit; you can't quite commit to total immersion. It's okay, sometimes the best thing to do is sit back and observe the craziness.

Casual User
You are a casual social media user! Everything in moderation is key. You know that social media is a great tool for connecting, sharing, and keeping up to date on your loved ones. But you also know when it's time to power off and immerse yourself in the present moment.

Social Media Recluse
You are a social media recluse! You can't stand social media. Why share pictures of your food, when you can just eat it? That's your position. In your mind, there's nothing better than experiencing life first hand rather than through a screen.