How Should You Get Fit In 2016?

Here are all the results with descriptions

In 2016, you're going to get fit by practicing yoga! Yoga is perfect for you because it melds the spiritual with the aesthetic, giving you a workout that benefits more than just the body. Yoga involves breath control and meditation, both of which will help you be the best version of you possible!

In 2016, you're going to get fit by doing Crossfit! You're a person who never half commits. If you're going to get fit, you're going to get fit in the most intense and purposeful way possible. With Crossfit, you're getting a high intensity workout that incorporates every part of the body.

In 2016, you're going to get fit by running! Ever heard of a runner's high? Runners often speak of the rush of endorphins they get after finishing a run. This workout is perfect for you. Not only will you get fit and push your limits, but you'll experience the amazing post run rush on a daily basis.

In 2016, you're going to get fit through kickboxing! You're one tough cookie. Not only are you as confident as they come, but you know your own strengths. Kickboxing would allow you to feel like a strong and total badass!

In 2016, you're going to get fit through Zumba! Zumba allows you to have fun while working out. This is important to you, as you often feel bored and unenthused about working out. Zumba would push you to your limits, help you to build confidence, and get a killer workout!