Here are all the results with descriptions
Practically Nothing about 2016 must have been really zoned out during 2016. Were you living under a rock? Hopefully, you've awakened from your slumber for 2017. Don't let life pass you by!
Very Little about 2016
You remember a few big shockers from 2016, but for the most part, life was pretty mundane, and the details weren't worth storing. Hopefully, 2017 will prove to be more memorable!
A Fair Amount about 2016
It wasn't the most exciting of years, but it was a year of your life, nonetheless. You made some good memories with your friends, and the crazy politicians and celebrities made even more memories for you!
A Lot about 2016
The year 2016 was loaded with important moments for you, and you're not going to forget any of them soon! It's true that some of your more routine spells might have slipped through the cracks, but you still have lots of stories to tell from 2016.
2016 Almost Perfectly...
Because you were living it up! You understand that, when you make the most of every moment, those moments become memories that last a lifetime. You are always emotionally in tune with the world and open to opportunity. Anything to make a day count!