What Age Suits You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The age that suits you is none other than thirty! While you still may be young at heart about a few things, you lived long enough to have experience and wisdom in your life. You're learning to accept the changes in your life because you know they'll happen whether you like it or not.

You're still free-spirited in life but you're beginning to learn of the responsibilities that life has in store for you. You love to still be pretty immature but you also know when it's important to be serious and take charge.

You look at life through peaceful eyes and you are grateful for everything you have. You have an immense joy knowing what love and adventure life has held for you and what it still holds. You're also very conscious of your health and do everything to make sure you're in great shape.

Life seems rather difficult for you right now and you know there is many more challenges waiting for you. Everything always seems to be constantly changing in life and it seems like a new experience everyday. It's exciting to see what new adventures and feelings the day will bring.

You have wisdom about life that many can't understand and won't for quite awhile. You love to pride yourself on your knowledge of things and you're always up for learning about something new. You feel like you're on top of life for one and you love it.