Which Fairytale Best Describes Your Life?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're a true romantic at heart and you want to see everything the world has to offer you. You're not content with staying in one place for two long and so you want to explore as many places as humans possible. You're a free-spirited who believes in the good of everything you see.

Little Red Riding Hood
You're a rather intelligent individual who has no problem taking care of yourself. You know that life is filled with others trying to trick or betray but you know better than to fall into their trap. You think about consequences before making a decision and use your wits to your advantage.

Little Mermaid
Not many people have a heart as big as yours. You always want to do good in life and you tend to put other's happiness before your own. You're a passionate romantic and when you truly love someone, you'll do just about anything for them.

Hansel And Gretel
There's nothing more important in life than family. You're a fiercely loyal person and you will do just about anything to someone who harms your family. You'll do anything to help them in their time in need even if it means sacrifices for you.

The Princess And The Pea
You're a rather sensible individual who tends to be rather empathetic to those around you. It's not hard at all to hurt your feelings but that's just because you have a big heart. You're a very observant person as well and you take good care in noticing your surroundings.