How Often Should You Hug?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Eight Times A Day
You should hug eight times a day! Research suggests that being hugged eight or more times a day can improve mood and ward off depression. It can also lead to increases in optimism and gratitude. Show your love and hug often! It could be the difference between a good day and an ordinary day!

Five Times A Day
You should hug five times a day! Hugging can increase closeness between you and your loved ones. It can also decrease stress and creative positive energy. We think that you need to give at least five hugs a day in order to feel close and connected to those around you. Hug often and you'll always have a good day!

Once A Day
You should hug once a day! You're not much of a hugger. You'd much prefer to just tell people how you feel or make a nice gesture. We get it, hugs aren't for everyone. But everyone needs a little physical closeness and affection sometimes! Give at least one hug a day and you'll see your mood lift instantly!

Every Other Day
You should hug every other day! Like many people, hugging just isn't your thing. While you enjoy a warm embrace when needing comfort, it's not something you crave on the regular. Try hugging at least every other day. You'll see your relationships improve and your mood lift. Hugging guarantees happiness amongst all friends!

Once A Week
You should hug once a week! You're a lone wolf who isn't into physical affection. When you hug, it's typically light, fast and includes an awkward pat on the back. Even though hugging isn't really you're thing, try reaching out and giving a warm embrace at least once a week. It could just improve your mood!