What Risk Should You Take Next?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Apologize For A Mistake You've Made
The risk you should take next is apologizing for a mistake you've made! It's not always easy to own up to a mistake you've made and admit that you were wrong, but this risk has some definite payoff. Not only will you make amends with the person you've wronged, but your conscious will feel clear!

Face A Big Fear
The risk you should take next is facing a big fear! We've all got that one fear that seems totally insurmountable. It's time for you to meet that fear head on and change your life for the better once and for all. Choosing to not let fear hold you back is the best and most rewarding kind of risk!

Do One Thing You Love Even If It's Silly
The risk you should take next is doing the thing you love even if others think it's silly! Maybe you love to dance but you're not very good. Maybe you find art therapeutic but you're not exactly the next Picasso. Who cares!? Do what you love despite what could go wrong. This risk will definitely lead to a better quality of life!

Help Someone In Need
The risk you should take next is helping someone in need! Sometimes our busy lives make it easy for us to ignore the needs of others, by taking the time to lend a hand, you'll feel fulfilled in a way you never have before. Take a chance and see what wonderful things can come!

Wear Something You Wouldn't Normally Wear
The risk you should take next is wearing something you wouldn't normally wear! You often envy those who wear what they want without fear or hesitation. Who says you can't do the same thing! Find your courage and wear what makes you feel beautiful inside and out.