Will You Be A Grumpy Old Person?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Crotchety And Grumpy
You might just be spending your golden years yelling at kids to get off of your lawn and complaining about the price of milk! Base don these results, you're going to be a bit crotchety and grumpy in your old age. Fret not, there's still time to turn it around!

Grumpy Grandma
Based on the results of this quiz, you're going to be one grumpy grandma! Nothing's going to make your mood less than sour. In fact, you're going to find it easy to complain about anything and everything. That creak in the floorboard? Terrible. The weather? Just lousy!

Grumpy At Times
Based on the results of this quiz, you're going to have some grumpy tendencies in your old age! Hey, no one can be chipper and upbeat all of the time. Just like a young person, you'll experience ups and downs in your mood. The good news is that you'll never let your mood spoil a good time!

Somewhat Grumpy
You're going to be somewhat grumpy in your old age! It's not that you necessarily need to be grumpy, but you're going to feel as if you earned the right to be grumpy. Getting older means surviving years of ups and downs. In your old age, you kind of deserve to feel however you want!

Not Grumpy At All
You're not going to be grumpy at all in you old age, in fact, you're going to embrace your golden years by possessing a truly positive attitude! You've only got so much time on earth, why waste it being upset about minor and insignificant things?